That’s why we rescue puppies from the streets to help them give them a second chance to have a forever family and home, she is #Paris she traveled in June thanks to the important and kind support with #Mexpup so that she had her chance, today she is very happy with your new family, home and pack, we love having stories with very happy endings! Thank you very much #Mexpup together managing to change stories!
The History Xolo
Maguey is a xolo a very ancient dog type of Mexico which is a hairless breed.
We Brought Maguey to our Shelter in a terrible condition she had been abandoned by her owners when they moved and had been living in extreme the street extreme heat with no fur to protect her very delicate skin.
She had terrible wounds one leg had to be amputated because It was so infected. We thought she would not make it she was so covered with medical problems. But as soon as she returned from her surgery she seemed better.
Maguey is on the road to recovery now eats with gusto and is trying to get well.
We hope with good veterinary care and love she will make a total recovery.

Cosita Rescue
She was rescued from the street, looking for food in the garbage and in very bad condition, she took her to the vet, had a bath and now she is a very happy dog in her new home forever.